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Training and Supporting the Wider System

Recognising our important role in the development of Therapeutic Parenting Teams, and a trauma and attachment informed system for children in care.

At the heart of every child and young person’s journey in care are dedicated Therapeutic Parenting Teams. These teams form a vital network of compassionate individuals who provide unwavering care, support, and guidance.

Our mission is to create a consistent, trauma-informed approach that unites everyone involved in a child’s life. By doing so, we ensure that every child in care across Derby and Derbyshire has access to nurturing, therapeutic environments. These environments are essential for helping them thrive and successfully navigate their therapeutic journey towards recovery.

communicating feelings

Foster Carer feedback

"It’s nice to feel part of a team as I didn’t with my previous network and feel I am supported by other professionals around me and can access support and help when I need it."

“Given me the security and confidence to know that we’re doing the right thing”

“We’ve been heard”

Attachment Groups for Derby and Derbyshire Foster Carers

Derby Group (Every Wednesday)

Venue: Darley Abbey Scout Hut, The Hill, Darley Abbey, Derby DE22 1DT

Brief online meet up: 22nd January 1000

Session 1: 29th January 1000-1300

Session 2: 5th February 1000-1300

Session 3: 12th February 1000-1300

Session 4: 26th February 1000-1300

Sessin 5: 5th March 1000-1300

Session 6: 12th March 1000-1300

communicating feelings

“Your analogy to explain attachment theory has been the clearest I’ve ever heard. I’ve never understood it as clearly as I do now, I’ll be telling my colleagues and clients I work with about it. You’ve made it really accessible.” - Social Worker

Training for Professionals and Carers

Individual Training Courses will be advertised by Derby City workforce development team. Forthcoming training planned between September 2024 and August 2025:

Sept to Dec 2024

  • Neurodiversity and Trauma
  • Thinking Therapeutically about Narratives and Life Stories

Jan to Mar 2025

  • Introduction to Trauma, Attachment and Therapeutic Parenting (parts 1 and 2)
  • Creative Approaches to Building Attachment

April to July 2025

  • Thinking Therapeutically about Narratives and Life Stories
  • Introduction to Trauma, Attachment and Therapeutic Parenting (parts 1 and 2)
  • Creative Approaches to Building Attachment

This is a 2 day training course, delivered in two parts. Each part will usually be around 4-6 weeks apart to allow opportunity for reflection between sessions.

DAY 1 will develop your understanding of Attachment theory and Developmental Trauma. How attachment patterns develop, how these impact on the child’s sense of self, their relationships with others and their view of the world. It will also expand your knowledge of the impact of trauma on a child’s development; including the impact on their developing brain, sensory processing, and their ability to regulate emotions. We will take a look at some of the changes that occur in the brain during adolescence and the challenges and opportunity this provides.

DAY 2 will look at the therapeutic parenting ideas and approaches proposed by Dan Hughes, Kim Golding, Phyllis Booth, and other specialists in the field, including an understanding of Integrative shame, PACE, two hands of parenting and relationship repair. We will look at the importance of play on development and how relationship play can be used to facilitate greater trust and deeper connection with the young people you work with and care for. We will also look at the impact on carers of caring for children with complex emotional needs.

Training for carers and professionals to improve support for neurodivergent looked after children and young people. We will be looking at how attachment and trauma are experienced as a neurodivergent child and ways to support attachment security and trauma recovery. We will explore the strengths, challenges and potential of neurodivergent young people and how therapeutic parenting can promote positive life experiences.

Delivered by creative therapists, this training provides a playful and experiential opportunity to discover new ways of building attachment bonds with children who have experienced developmental trauma.

This training is designed for Social Workers working Children in Care, whether during care proceedings or on a long-term basis.

This training will help you think about communicating with children in care about difficult aspects of their lives, how to approach their 'entry to care' narrative and how the child's psychological development can be supported through this. The training will provide the opportunity to practice the skills needed when considering these dilemmas and come away with methods you can put into practice.

N.B. The above training courses are currently available only to Derby City professionals and foster carers.

Service leads and commissioners in Derbyshire are welcome to contact us for information on spot purchase of individual training courses.

More information about how to spot purchase any of our training and how this can be tailored to your organisation is available within our Therapeutic Services page.

Therapeutic Parenting with PACE Training Programme

A series of monthly half day training sessions will be provided for Derby City Supervising Social workers, between October 2024 and August 2025.

The goal of this is to build confidence and skills for those supporting foster carers with being therapeutic parents within their homes and in their daily lives, recognising the challenges they may face in doing this.

Reflective Practice : our RELATE approach

Reflective Practice is provided within Derby City under the DECC contracted provision in the following settings:

  • Leaving Care Service
  • Foster Carers
  • SHINE residential (pending)

This takes a relational, reflective and psycho-educative approach to building the confidence and resilience for those putting therapeutic parenting ideas and trauma informed practice into action.

R elational

E mpathy-driven

L ayered complexity

A ttachment and trauma focused

T heoretically informed

E vidence-based and outcome-focused

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