For parents, carers and professionals
Find out more about our service, how we can help and the therapeutic support we offer.
The DECC provides a range of therapeutic services to meet the needs of young people in care. Find out what we can offer and how we can help.
The DECC is a specialist service commissioned by Derbyshire County Council, Derby City Council and Derbyshire ICB, to support the trauma and attachment needs of Children in Care, where these are impacting on their ability to access daily life.

Our vision and purpose is to:
- Provide tailored direct interventions for the Carers, Social Workers and other professionals involved with children in their care, as well as providing therapeutic direct support for children, alongside therapeutic parenting support.
- Support and scaffold local services to enhance and develop the care environment that is provided for children, through the development of therapeutic parenting and trauma informed practice.

Therapeutic Support
We provide a range of therapeutic support to help children, young people and the adults around them. The support we offer is holistic and child-centred in its approach, holding the individual young person at the forefront of decision-making and recommendations.
Find out more about what we offer here.

Training & Building Therapeutic Parenting Teams
In addition to our individualised therapeutic support, from Sept 2024 we will provide training and professional development opportunities to Derby City professionals and foster carers.
Find out more about our current training opportunities, including upcoming dates here.

Advice for Parents & Carers
Need some support and advice? Our page for parents and carers offers some quick go-to information around supporting children and young people having a tricky time.
Here, you will find some videos, useful handouts and general advice to support you right now.

Support for Schools
We believe in the value of supporting a whole system around a child or young person. Education is a crucial but often, challenging experience for our young people, who are trying to adapt, make sense of the world, and explore who they are.
This page offers some school-specific advice and information.
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