Short breaks service from the Bucks Activity Project

Weekend Clubs (8+ and U8)
Our centres
These clubs are based in our three Ofsted registered locations, located in both Aylesbury and High Wycombe, and run for 3 hours. They are held on Saturdays throughout the year.
They offer the opportunity for children under 8 and 8+ to get together, make new friends, have fun and take part in a variety of activities.
Activities include: Cooking, Arts and crafts, Team game, Indoor and outdoor play, General toys and games
Out & About weekend clubs
We also run sessions out and about in the community, allowing children the opportunity to access a range of venues and activities with peers with similar interests. These sessions run on Saturdays around the county.
These sessions offer children aged 8+ the opportunity to try new things and take part in their favourite activities.
Activities include: Swimming, Bowling, Cinema / Theatre trips, Farms, Trampoline parks, Local parks

Holiday Activities
Our holiday activities offer fun packed activity days throughout all school holidays. The activities range in age appropriateness but there is something for anyone age 5-19.
Just a taste of our activities include: bowling, cinema, fun days, adventure playgrounds, swimming, laser tag, Go Ape, Climbing, water sports
We run clubs from lots of different venues that include local schools, community centres, Thomley Activity Centre, Thames Valley Adventure Playground and leisure centres.

Youth Clubs – Skyline and Limitless
We run two types of youth clubs; skyline and limitless. The clubs are for young people who want consistency of peers and staff, with a pattern of sessions. Skyline is aimed at 8-14 year olds and limitless is for those in year 7 and above, who are high functioning but may sometimes need a little extra support than what is available from a mainstream youth club.
The costs of each activity is advertised when you register your interest and vary between type and length of activity.
All staff working directly with the children are trained to a high level in a variety of appropriate skills, to enable them to support all the children and young people that attend the sessions appropriately.
Training includes: Safeguarding, Equality and Diversity, Behaviour Support, Moving and Handling, Team Teach, Epilepsy Awareness, Paediatric First Aid, Various Clinical Procedures (generic and child specific where needed), Makaton, Autism Awareness and others identified as appropriate throughout the year depending on the children attending the sessions.
Anyone can make a referral for a child or young person, but consents need to be completed by the responsible parent or carer.
No. In fact, about 90% of the families that use our short break services are not open to social care.
The team leader will discuss staffing ratio’s when you first visit, however staffing is usually 1 staff member to 3 children/young people unless the needs of the child require more support. When your child first starts they will normally be on a 1:1 care rating to help them settle and then this will alter depending on the activity they are doing and what their needs are.
Transport is not provided by Action for Children to or from any of the sessions we deliver. If a trip is advertised then transport will be provided from an advertised venue to the destination and return only.
Compliments, concerns or complaints should be given directly to a group leader at the short break session in the first instance.
If this is not appropriate then the next place to contact would be the office on 01296 438230. Your concern will be passed to the most appropriate member of the team who will be in touch after looking into your concern.