Get in touch
If you haven’t been able to find what you were looking for on our website, feel free to get in touch using the details below.
Address: Kernow Connect, PO Box 341, St Austell, PL25 9HR
Phone: 01872 321 486 (Our phones are monitored Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm)
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Facebook
Instagram: Instagram
Don’t forget, if you are looking to access support from Kernow Connect you can find all the information you need on our How to get support page.
Whenever you speak to us, we will listen to you, believe you and do our best to support you, if that is what you want. Sometimes things you tell us may mean we need to make sure you are safe. If this happens we will need to speak to someone else about what you have told us to keep you safe.
The times we may need to do this are:
- When you ask us to
- If we believe your life or someone else's life is not safe
- If you're being hurt by someone else that means you are not safe
- If you tell us about another young person who is note safe and is note able to tell someone
- If you tell us that you're seriously hurting another person
- If you tell us about another young person who is not safe and is not able to tell someone
- If we're told we have to buy law, like a court case.
If we do need to speak to someone else to help keep you safe we will support you through this and help get any other support you may need or want from us or somewhere else.