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Young adult advice

Information and advice about further education, finding employment and possibly leaving the family home.

Advice and support for young adults in Devon

Action for children is not responsible for the content of other websites

Space Youth Services Website Logo


Space delivers professional youth work, community projects and other services to ensure young people have the best opportunities to succeed.

Young Devon Website Logo

Young Devon

Young Devon is a young people’s charity in the South West of England. Our mission is to make Devon a better place for all young people. Each year we work with over 2,000 young people, building quality relationships to help them thrive.

Kooth Website Logo


Kooth is an anonymous site which helps children and young people to feel safe and confident in exploring their concerns and seeking professional support.

YMCA Website Logo

YMCA Exeter

Find out about the wide range of support available for young people from YMCA Exeter.

Visit YMCA Exeter

Sidekick website image


Are you looking after someone at home? Text us for support. Sidekick is a confidential helpline for young carers in the UK.

Visit Sidekick website logo

Into Apprenticeships

A guide for disabled people, parents and key advisers about applying for apprenticeships in England. It deals with common questions such as how to find an apprenticeship, whether the training will be accessible and what support is available in the workplace.

Visit the Disability Rights website to find out more website logo

Planning for the future

Helping young people plan for their future.

Visit the CSW website website logo

Dad's house

Aims to support dads to ensure that children remain the priority after divorce, separation or bereavement.

Visit Dad's House website logo

Young Minds

Lots of information about mental health for young people, their parents and professionals.

Visit Young Minds

NHS website image

Moving from children's social care to adult's social care

NHS children's social care to adults social care

Citizens Advice website image

Citizens Advice

Free online independent advice and local advice centres near you.

Self-refer to TALKWORKS

Free NHS mental health support for parents across Devon

If you are struggling with low mood, anxious thoughts, sleep difficulties or aren’t quite feeling yourself, help is available.

TALKWORKS is Devon’s free and confidential NHS Talking Therapies service, here to help adults over the age of 18, living in Devon (outside Plymouth which is covered by Plymouth Talking Therapies), improve their mental and physical wellbeing. Treatment and support includes one-to-one sessions with a therapist, access to employment support, interactive group courses, wellbeing workshops and online self-help.

You do not need a referral from a GP to access TALKWORKS’ services, you can refer yourself online or over the phone. For more information on the different treatment options and therapy services, please visit the TALKWORKS website or call 0300 555 3344.

NHS logo

If your child has been diagnosed with an eating disorder, here's some advice from the NHS about what you can do to help.

Advice for parents - eating disorders

Family Lives

Food is often the focus of family celebrations, and regular shared mealtimes are a well-known way to keep the family connected, so when a young person has an eating disorder, it can be difficult for the whole family.

Family Lives eating disorders advice


If you are concerned about your child’s behaviour around food, or they have been diagnosed with an eating disorder, you are not alone. You can find information about eating disorders, and advice about getting the right help for your child on the Young Mind website. Young Minds

BEAT logo

Information and support from Beat Easting Disorders

Open 10am – 4pm Monday to Friday

Call our Advice Line on 0800 538 5458