For professionals and partners in Devon
Ask our Hub team to contact a family you are working with
If you would like us to contact a family you are working with that you feel needs support from the hub please use the request for contact form.
For anything else please call your local Hub at our nearest location or email [email protected]
Select the 'for professionals' option

Building Babies’ Brains workshops
Our fully funded (free) workshops support anyone whose community role, voluntary or paid, brings them into contact with children aged 0-2 years and their parent/carers. Find out more: [email protected]
Our community focused approach aims to convey to parents, carers and families, key messages about baby brain development using trusted messengers. Learning together, we share understanding of baby brain development, bonding and resilience, building confidence in passing this information on to parents /carers and communities.
The workshops last for 15 hours, made up of six 2¼ hour sessions and one 90 minute catch up session, delivered via blended learning – 2 face-to-face, 2 via Teams and 2 online group learning.
During the workshops you will learn:
- The importance of baby brain development, especially during the vital 0-2 years
- Tools for being in relationships with others, including Dan Hughes “PACE”
- What babies need to build strong, healthy and resilient stress regulation systems
- The importance of self-care for wellbeing
- How this supports communication / speech and language development
- Building confidence in passing this information on widely
- About risk and trauma in the early years, and how to build resilience for lifelong skills.
Plus, we give you ongoing access to evidence-based resources that are accessible via our learning platform.
The workshops are for toddler group leaders and volunteers, childminders, foster carers, peer supporters and anyone whose role brings them into contact with children aged 0-2 years and their carers.

J9 Domestic Abuse Awareness Training
As part of our new Family Hub support, we can offer you the J9 Domestic Abuse Training, both face-to-face and online. This initiative aims to raise awareness of domestic abuse and assist survivors to access support safely by training professionals and members of the community to recognise domestic abuse and respond to survivors.
Once your team are J9 trained, the J9 logo can be displayed at your venue, letting survivors know that they have a safe place to access information and use a telephone to contact support services.
All participants of the J9 training can become part of the Devon J9 Network. The purpose of the network is to provide an opportunity to share information and stay up to date on emerging domestic abuse issues and access ongoing support when handling disclosures of abuse.
This training is totally free and we have spaces available now.
Book on to an online session, or to request face-to-face training
Open 10am – 4pm Monday to Friday
Call our Advice Line on 0800 538 5458