Building and maintaining healthy relationships is an important part of looking after our mental health. Whether it’s your relationship with a partner, a child, a family member or anyone else, here you will find links to useful websites and resources to help you through the ups and downs of relationships.
Resources to support healthy, happy relationships
Action for Children is not responsible for the content of other websites.

Early help
Parental Relationships
Happy Families, Happy Futures - Devon Safeguarding Children Partnership (

For separating parents
Separating better is a mobile app, which can help guide you through the separation process, find effective ways of co-parenting, and sort out disagreements, all with the wellbeing of your child in mind.

Breaking the cycle of abuse
FearFree is a charity working to break the cycle of domestic abuse, sexual violence and stalking across the Southwest.

North Devon Against Domestic Abuse
Providing temporary refuge to women and children, and offer support and help to anyone who asks us.

Healthy relationships
Building and maintaining healthy relationships is an important part of looking after our mental health.

Relationship support in England and Wales
To help you make the most of your relationships; past, present or future.

Parental relationships advice

Tips for Building a Healthy Relationship

Free NHS mental health support for parents across Devon
Free NHS mental health support for parents across Devon
If you are struggling with low mood, anxious thoughts, sleep difficulties or aren’t quite feeling yourself, help is available.
TALKWORKS is Devon’s free and confidential NHS Talking Therapies service, here to help adults over the age of 18, living in Devon (outside Plymouth which is covered by Plymouth Talking Therapies), improve their mental and physical wellbeing. Treatment and support includes one-to-one sessions with a therapist, access to employment support, interactive group courses, wellbeing workshops and online self-help.
You do not need a referral from a GP to access TALKWORKS’ services, you can refer yourself online or over the phone. For more information on the different treatment options and therapy services, please visit the TALKWORKS website or call 0300 555 3344.