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Positive Changes

An initiative aimed at 14 to 25 year olds who are perceived to be a risk of involvement with the Young Justice System or are engaging in anti-social behaviour.

Positive Changes is an inclusive programme designed to encourage behavioural change, foster wellbeing and improve self esteem.

This bespoke programme is aimed towards young people, aged 14-25, with a focus on those who are disengaged, at risk of disengaging or are expelled from school. They may also be currently offending, perceived to be at-risk of involvement with the Young Justice System or involved in antisocial behaviour. The programme provides positive interventions for young people to adopt a renewed focus on diverse opportunities and personal development, including avenues to further education, volunteering, employment, and certified training.

1x1 teenagers walking in london

Our aims are:

  • To divert young people from antisocial, criminal behaviour and involvement with the justice system
  • Present opportunities to participate in activities which improves young people’s learning, employability and employment options
  • Address and work towards improving young people’s health, mental health and well-being
  • Encourage young people to contribute positively to their communities
  • Build personal skills, resilience, and benefit from strengthened support networks and reduce risk taking behaviour

Each programme lasts 8 weeks, attending on average 2 days per week and will incorporate one-to-one post course aftercare from dedicated staff. AFC believes that this extended programme duration gives optimum time for course participants and staff to create a lasting and trusting relationship, supporting candidates towards their aspirations.

The service includes targeted engagement, action/planning, delivery of group work along with progression and the aftercare. The programme is delivered in the community at various venues or at Action for Children premises. Each participant has a committed key worker, providing holistic 1:1 support and encouragement throughout their journey. Together they co-produce and jointly review a personalised support plan of agreed goals, actions, and outcomes.

Action for Children work in partnership with Glasgow Virtual Schools, delivering a term long programme catered for care experienced young people. This consists of 8 weeks on the Positive Changes programme before moving on to work experience. During this time, the young people take on an array of roles and responsibilities while assisting in the day-to-day running of the Clay Café. Further opportunities for education are available, including, a barista award, a level 5 and 7 community achievement award, food and hygiene, as well as a customer service qualification.

As an accredited SQA centre, young people are provided with the opportunity to achieve a level 3 well-being award, level 3 ICT core skills qualification, national 3 or 4 numeracy and communication qualifications as well as gain a First Aid in the workplace certificate.

Positive Changes is funded by the Scottish Government through the innovative CashBack for Communities scheme.

CashBack for Communities is a unique Scottish Government programme which reinvests criminal assets recovered through the Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA) and invests in projects delivering positive futures for our young people. The programme has strong links to the Scottish Government’s Vision for Justice in Scotland.